In Venice there are boat races on the grand canal that you can go to and watch called “regatta”. This month was the Regatta Storica, which is a historic boat race where before the race they have a parade of boats that look like they would have in the past, even the people on them are dressed up. It is one of the least crowded Regatta, but in my mind, the most fun as you get to see the little parade before hand.
We were babysitting a friends’ kiddo so here is what we would look like as a family of four.
Nick and Aneesa crossed a bridge to try to get some photos of the boat from the other side. When they tried to cross back over the bridge they got completely lost. It sounds crazy, I know, but it’s that easy to get lost in Venice. So Nick gave Aneesa the true Venice experience…being lost. They missed pretty much the whole parade and didn’t find their way back to us for almost two hours as they wandered in circles. Oh Venice.
Here’s the whole crew on the train going home, totally exhausted. Megan and Reid are our good friends, my cousin Aneesa, and my friend Joy’s kiddo.