Carnevale madness

Note: If you read nothing else of this you must go to the very last picture and read about it.

Carnevale in Venice is world famous. Which means that A TON of people come to take part in it. It’s essentially two full weeks of dress-up parties for everybody, not just the kids. There are some amazing costumes and events going on. Nick braved it last week to get some nice photos and then this week we all went. It was a madhouse! We took the train there, the first train that pulled into the station was so full that people practically fell out when the doors opened so we had to wait for the next one (which was good because we got seats and sat next to a lovely older Italian couple who we enjoyed talking to). Walking to the main square took twice as long as usual, every time the path narrowed foot traffic slowed way down, plus people were stopping to gawk at costumes and store windows. But we made it.

Jonah has a cape that his Grandma Lloyd made him that is super awesome. So for his carnevale costume we had a custom mask made to match his cape. SUPER JONAH!


Everyone throws confetti at each other. Jonah LOVED this part. And made a few friends.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOK, now here is my absolute favorite part of all of carnevale. We are headed to the train station and we come up over the last bridge and sitting at the bottom of the steps are all these people in white fuzzy bear suits. Remember Declan’s white fuzzy bear suit I just posted a picture of the other day??? Yep, he was wearing it. Declan found his herd.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd then these bears happened to climb on the same train booth with us! Turns out the lady holding him in this picture is a teacher at a preschool near Vicenza. I enjoyed talking to her and a guy that was studying oriental languages at a University in Venice and was headed home to Verona for the weekend.

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