For Easter we decided to make a quick trip to Assisi to see the “Easter procession” that goes on there. Assisi is the hometown of good old Saint Francis. (Some of you may not know this, but new popes get to take on the name of a saint. The brand new pope just became the first ever to take on the name of Francis, which is kind of a big deal. Francis was a bit of a rebel in his day. He believed in taking all that money that the catholic church had and giving it to the poor rather than building extravagant churches. The church did not recognize him or his followers at first. So anyways, I have high hopes that this new pope will be awesome.) The Easter procession was…interesting. They turned out all the city lights and lit these big candles. A procession of men carrying crosses, creeping drumming and people singing walked slowly through the town from one church to another. Assisi is beautiful and we enjoyed our stay, until we woke up in the morning and Nick could barely talk through his swollen tonsils…so we rushed home so that Nick could go to the hospital and have it drained (gross).