Finding his face

A few weeks ago Jonah discovered his eyelashes. He would try to grab them and giggle when they tickled his fingers. It was adorable. About a week after that he discovered his nose, well for the second time I suppose. The first time he just discovered that it was there, this time he discovered the inside of it. Oh joy. Lately he has found his tongue. He is constantly sticking it out and waggling it around. It is so fun to watch his daily discoveries!

Fireworks at the lake

Fourth of July at the Lake was sooo much fun! Since it’s on an Indian reservation all the crazy fireworks are legal and everybody shoots them off from their docks, it’s pretty wild!

Woodbury family reunion

For fourth of July my family hosted a Woodbury family reunion. It has been at least 10 years since this has happened so it was about time! It was so good to see those that came (five out of seven siblings and a couple cousins). We had a great time, despite the cold rainy weather. We did a lot of visiting and reminiscing.

Nicole will be assembling a book about Lydia and LeGrande (my dad’s parents) so we attempted to gather some photos and stories about them. They never wrote a journal or wrote down their own stories so it has been difficult. Lydia didn’t talk much about her childhood, and while LeGrande told lot’s of stories it is hard to remember them since he passed over 20 years ago. And sometimes different people remember the details differently. So I’d say if you want your life story to be accurate, don’t let your children write it for you after you’ve passed! Do it now!

Lydia Woodbury. I learned a lot more about her this past week. She was the oldest of 11 children and so had a lot of responsibility from a young age. She never talked about herself, so it was difficult for her children to come up with many stories about her childhood. I learned that although her husband was a cowboy and loved horses, she actually hated them and was afraid to ride. She was an amazing seamstress and a creative person. She met LeGrande at a dance, she thought he liked another girl because he always danced with her, but when he finally asked her to dance I guess they clicked. They eloped when she was 18, he was 22. (Her parents apparently weren’t too fond of him.) She had seven children over a span of more than 20 years.

Legrande Woodbury. I don’t have any memories of him, he died when I was 3. He was a cowboy, buried in his boots and hat. He loved horses, especially appaloosas. He was a good story teller and had a great sense of humor. He was a perfectionist, nobody could do it as good as him. He must have loved animals because he was always bringing home random pets for the kids. A magpie, an albino skunk and a snake that I heard about. In later years he had an ice cream shop that was open 365 days a year, even Christmas (some of the kids claim they worked while sick on Christmas day!) he was a hard worker.

More to come on them as we get the stories put together and round up more photos.

Family photo shoot (by me and my self timer!)

Five of the seven children of Lydia & LeGrande Woodbury (Lynn, LeAnn, Lee, Judy & Larry)

The “Missing man formation” leaving spots for the missing two siblings.

Being silly.

Everybody who came to the Woodbury reunion 2010

Cousins. Ashlee, Whitney, Nicole, Jen and Taylor

The whole gang.

Happy Birthday Nicole

For Nicole’s birthday we spent the weekend at the Lake. The kids were in heaven with the pool and watertable on the deck. Another good weekend!


We found Bambi wandering in the road up by the lakehouse. We hope he found his mommy…he was sure sweet. (We all learned after this that you are NOT supposed to touch baby deer. Their only protection when their mothers leave them somewhere is that they have no scent. Sorry Bambi!)

I love my baby boy

Jonah is attempting to talk. His favorite word at the moment is “taylor”…it’s ridiculous how much he loves Taylor. He also says “banana” which I think he thinks means food. He signs more, please and all done. The kid is a monkey, he climbs up on anything he can get his foot hooked up onto, it’s dangerous! He is super smart and picks up on more and more every day. I love this kid!

Rockin the baby mullet

Sadly Jonah still seems to be lacking in the hair department. But the hair that he has always had is in fact getting longer…(and curly!)