Trip to Utah

Jonah’s new walking record is about 20…it’s getting hard to count now. He made this record while visiting at the Lloyd house in Provo Utah.

Sadly i forgot my camera…so I have no pictures of my trip. Until I can get the pics the Lloyds took. (hint hint 🙂

We left last Monday and drove to Twin Falls where we stayed with my Grandma (thanks grandma!) and then drove the rest of the way on Tuesday. Jonah was a little scared of Grandma Lloyd at first (he’d been locked in the car for two days and was a bit grumpy when she gave him a very enthusiastic hello…) but he warmed up quickly and enjoyed his stay.

Thursday and Friday I went to a Therapeutic Recreation conference up near Sundance. It was fun…it reminded me why I love my degree. (I would say career but I don’t work in the field right now). And I also had to do it to get my education credits to keep my certification. I saw some old friends from school and work, made some new friends and they fed us well so all in all it was a good conference.

Saturday I visited my cousin Seth and Kiersty, and saw their lovely new home. Then I decided to head back to the Lloyd home for one last night (I just couldn’t get enough!) Sunday morning, after a stop to see an old friend from Anasazi, Natalie, in SLC, I was on my way. Stayed in Boise (thanks grandpa!) And today I am back to Moscow.

A quick trip, but a good one. I think Jonah is ready to be done with car rides for the next millennium…or at least until we both forget how long the drive is and decide to do it again!

Nine steps!

Jonah broke his record today by taking nine steps! Not without the motivation of a graham cracker though! 🙂 Happy Birthday me! I think we need just a few more Birthdays and he’ll be a walking pro!

And also in Jonah news, he has suddenly learned to use a sippy cup and also to spit his binky out when he has food in his hand. (He used to just hit the food against his binky with a confused look on his face.)

Thanks Hubby!

I guess I don’t get to tease you about being old anymore…not until November anyways 😉

Going for a ride…

Taylor took Jonah for a 4-wheeler ride. He yelled with joy the whole time, especially when they hit bumps. Silly boy. Thank goodness the weather is warming up, it feels sooo nice to get outside!

75th birthday

We went to Boise for the weekend to celebrate my Grandpa Tracy’s 75th Birthday. Happy birthday Grandpa! While we were there I got a five generation picture with my Grandpa’s Mom, Jonah’s great-great-grandma Berg.

While staying at the hotel we decided to take advantage of the pool. Jonah LOVED it!


I played bun-co last night with some girls from my ward. It was fun and we got pretty dang loud. The girls all bring a gift to exchange at the end (winner gets first pick and on down the line). All of the gifts were so nice, hand-made and tied with ribbon, such crafty ladies. I won a handmade table runner that perfectly matches the colors of the quilt I am making, I love it! Thanks for a night out ladies! And thanks for babysitting as usual Mom, what would I do without you.

P.S. for those of you considering sending Nick a package I updated the list of stuff to send him…crossed out a few things and what not. Just email if you have questions on that.