Second and third real snow in Italy!

While my mom was here in December we got our very first snow that stuck to the ground here in Italy (none last year!). Well February has been quite the tease. It goes back and forth from about 50 degrees to freezing. And we’ve had snow on the ground….TWICE!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJonah thinks I don’t see him doing this…but I’m pretty sure if I tell him not to he will just eat more…

Carnevale madness

Note: If you read nothing else of this you must go to the very last picture and read about it.

Carnevale in Venice is world famous. Which means that A TON of people come to take part in it. It’s essentially two full weeks of dress-up parties for everybody, not just the kids. There are some amazing costumes and events going on. Nick braved it last week to get some nice photos and then this week we all went. It was a madhouse! We took the train there, the first train that pulled into the station was so full that people practically fell out when the doors opened so we had to wait for the next one (which was good because we got seats and sat next to a lovely older Italian couple who we enjoyed talking to). Walking to the main square took twice as long as usual, every time the path narrowed foot traffic slowed way down, plus people were stopping to gawk at costumes and store windows. But we made it.

Jonah has a cape that his Grandma Lloyd made him that is super awesome. So for his carnevale costume we had a custom mask made to match his cape. SUPER JONAH!


Everyone throws confetti at each other. Jonah LOVED this part. And made a few friends.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOK, now here is my absolute favorite part of all of carnevale. We are headed to the train station and we come up over the last bridge and sitting at the bottom of the steps are all these people in white fuzzy bear suits. Remember Declan’s white fuzzy bear suit I just posted a picture of the other day??? Yep, he was wearing it. Declan found his herd.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd then these bears happened to climb on the same train booth with us! Turns out the lady holding him in this picture is a teacher at a preschool near Vicenza. I enjoyed talking to her and a guy that was studying oriental languages at a University in Venice and was headed home to Verona for the weekend.

Walking to school

Usually I carry my babies, but due to a pulled shoulder muscle I’ve been taking my awesome new stroller for a spin (thanks grandma!). I try to walk to drop Jonah off or pick him up from school each day. There is this beautiful little trail that follows the river and goes pretty much from my house to Jonah’s school plus just a few blocks. It takes me about an hour round trip, it’s good exercise and oh so beautiful (I can see the Romeo and Juliet castles on the next hill over with the sun setting behind them in the evenings, sigh). Jonah loves to see the fish, ponies and geese on the way. And Declan gets to dress up like a snuggly teddy bear and get a good nap in.



Goodbye January.

At his 2 month appointment last week Declan weighed in at a whopping 12.86 lbs. 24.4 inches long and 16 inch head circumference. Last night he slept for 6 hours!!!!!!!! That is the first time he has ever slept more than 4 hours. Yay for sleep for me! (Maybe this drowzy haze I am in will lift soon….)

Jonah has had lot’s of doctors appointments while being sick and is weighing in at about 40 lbs. Jonah is finally feeling better and back at school after two weeks of sickness and 8 days of a high fever. His Maestra at school told me today that he is starting to speak Italian…just a little.

Italy is freezing cold right now. We get snow now and then but nothing really sticks. I am reminiscing about last year when we spent January in Hawaii. I gotta be honest, this January was crap and I am glad that it is over. Bring on February!

Whatever happened to that Christmas card?

I know, I know. I told some of you that Christmas cards would be in the mail. And guess what? You haven’t gotten one have you?? That’s because I’m a slacker. It’s true. I was going to do super cute cards, didn’t happen. So then I was just going to quickly get some photos out with a note, didn’t happen. I’ll tell you what did happen. I sent Nick to print the photos for me. And the sizes were in cm and he guessed. When he went to pick them up a few days later…they were a bit big for a regular envelope. So honestly, I kinda gave up. But I have ten 5×7 prints of this photo (below) so if you want one, let me know.


First family photo. Declan is less than a week old here.

8 weeks, no more newborn…

As much as I love that Declan is now smiling and responding to us more, it feels like the end of an era. He can no longer be considered a newborn. He has started to hold his head a little better, he is watching us more closely and his cry has changed to more of a baby cry than a “new” baby cry. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA As for Jonah…he is now going on his sixth day of having a high fever. We have been to the doctor twice and they just keep telling us to keep waiting it out. I love snuggly sick Jonah but I am starting to miss happy, silly Jonah.

Genova the crazy town

While the aquarium was great, the town was not our favorite. Driving proved to be super difficult (when I asked an Italian if Southern Italy was anything like driving in Genova, she laughed and said it’s much worse in S. Italy…which is pretty much insane). We lost our notebook with the address to our hotel written on it (it got left on the top of the car, oops). And our GPS was telling us all the wrong turns. We finally got parked and went to the aquarium, then had to repark after the aquarium when we finally found our hotel.

Walking around the pedestrian area (downtown) as it was getting dark was a little scarey. We checked into our hotel and Jonah was all energy and had a hard time going to sleep. Then he woke up with a fever! It hit so fast! Our plan was to hang out and explore a little but we decided to do a quick walk through and get Jonah home. So much for paying for a hotel so we could have an extra day. Ah the joys of parenthood.

Genoa-30Piazza de Ferarri (above)


One of the palaces, it’s not actually 3D, it’s painted. Really pretty. Very french looking as Genoa is over there close to France.


A famous church…very pretty


The city gate (above)


The house where Christopher Columbus was born. Which is notable because he was born to a lowly weaver, see how small the house is? casa

And the highlight of our trip…first real smiles from Declan! And they haven’t stopped since! Although I am having a hard time getting some good ones on camera that little stinker…
