Johnson reunion at Bear Lake

After reuniting with Nick on Tuesday, we headed up to Bear Lake Wednesday through Friday for the Johnson family reunion. As we pulled up the road to the cabin where we would be staying we noticed a huge group of people out on the deck of one of the houses. They were waving their arms and shouting at us. When we realized it was the Johnsons we stopped the car and Nick got out blowing kisses to his fans. It was a great welcome home for Nick. Sadly I don’t think I got a picture.

Thursday we went for a little hike to a little lake. When we first arrived it was raining so we all sat in the car for a little bit, but it cleared up. Nick and I swam out to a log to try to stand on it. The water was FREEZING!

That evening we went to the Pickleville playhouse for some dinner and slapstick comedy. Jonah sat through the whole thing, mesmerized.

Friday we spent at the beach. Playing in the sand and water. The family rented a boat and jet skis, Nick and I went out once on a jet ski, it was super fun.

My awesome friend Lindsay came to visit me at Bear Lake. This girl drove several hours to see me so that I could meet her new little man, Donovan. She came to see me right after I had Jonah because she happened to be in town….so I wanted to go see her, but she came to see me again. Next time it really is my turn girl! What a handsome fellow little Van is.

Reunited at last!

Tuesday August 10th. It has been 218 days since the last time I saw my husband. 218 long days…but it is finally over. This is the first family picture, not the best, but the first.

Jonah and his Daddy seem to be doing great adjusting to each other. Jonah has even kissed Nick a few times. (Although he doesn’t like it too much when Daddy kisses me…)

Everyone says that the reunion can be hard. And I’m sure it will be, but right now it’s just wonderful.

Natalie gets married

Natalie (Nick’s little sis) got married to David in the Provo temple. Congrats you two!
Jonah really wanted to take a dip in this fountain. It was kind of a problem. I’m pretty sure that in every photo that the photographer took is he screaming and reaching for the fountain.
Nick was there too…sort of. It really was sad that he missed it by four days.
It was hot outside. Check out Jonah’s awesome bow tie Julie whipped up.
After the ceremony we all went to lunch, which was delicious. Then that evening we headed over to a neighbors beautiful backyard for the reception…as you can tell from this picture Jonah and I had a rough night. (Which had partially to do with the fact that there was a stream in this back yard…the boy loves water.)
Hanging out.
The wedding party. Julie made all those dresses, wow.
The following night there was a reception a few hours away in Richfield UT, where David is from. Jonah had an easier time…there was no water. And he met a girl. Who punched him in the face and walked away…darn those girls. He didn’t even cry.


Jonah and I made the two day journey from Moscow to Provo by ourselves once again. And despite my crazy one handed driving while trying to hand him treats and toys, we made it. We stopped near McCall and boy was it pretty. Also, I love this falling down barn, it’s been falling down for years now and looks really cool in the snow.

My first TRI!

This weekend I completed my very first Triathlon. It has been something I have always wanted to do and I have been training all summer. I have never been a runner so I had to pretty much learn to run. At first I hated it but I can honestly say that running is not so bad now.
Here I am pre-race:
They write your age on your leg. So that when a 67 year old woman passes you feel embarrassed. Actually it’s because you compete against your age group.

You can just see my blue shirt coming out of the water second here. I was actually the first one out of the water by a whole minute on the swim. Swimming is my strength of the three.
Starting the bike ride after a nice quick transition since I didn’t use a wetsuit (the water was pretty warm)
Ending my bike ride…not the greatest time on that part, I got passed big time even with my whole minute lead. On to the run.
I held my ground pretty well on the run. Sprinting to the finish! YAY!
Total time 01:23:58.1 (10th in my age group)

And of course, my fans! Where would I be without my Mom helping me watch Jonah during hours of training, Jonah patiently sitting in the stroller during runs/bike rides, my mom letting me borrow her bike, my sister’s encouragement, Sarah teaching me how to run, 5:30 am swim team with coach Matt, Nick believing in me, biking for burritos on Wednesdays with the ladies, my mom, Jonah and Nicole getting up super early to come watch me race, everyone’s patience love and support. THANK YOU! I think I’ll do another one sometime!


My husband is back to the USA safe and sound!!!!!!!

Just 20 more days………………..

poor sick boy

Jonah spent last weekend with a fever. As terrible as it sounds it was kind of nice to have the little guy slow down and actually cuddle with me! But I am paying for it now. He has been so needy ever since, even though I’m pretty sure he is feeling better he screams at me if I am not holding him or giving him my full attention. I’m not used to a fussy baby!

Jonah is in my lap and would like to type something: