After reuniting with Nick on Tuesday, we headed up to Bear Lake Wednesday through Friday for the Johnson family reunion. As we pulled up the road to the cabin where we would be staying we noticed a huge group of people out on the deck of one of the houses. They were waving their arms and shouting at us. When we realized it was the Johnsons we stopped the car and Nick got out blowing kisses to his fans. It was a great welcome home for Nick. Sadly I don’t think I got a picture.
Thursday we went for a little hike to a little lake. When we first arrived it was raining so we all sat in the car for a little bit, but it cleared up. Nick and I swam out to a log to try to stand on it. The water was FREEZING!
That evening we went to the Pickleville playhouse for some dinner and slapstick comedy. Jonah sat through the whole thing, mesmerized.
Friday we spent at the beach. Playing in the sand and water. The family rented a boat and jet skis, Nick and I went out once on a jet ski, it was super fun.
My awesome friend Lindsay came to visit me at Bear Lake. This girl drove several hours to see me so that I could meet her new little man, Donovan. She came to see me right after I had Jonah because she happened to be in town….so I wanted to go see her, but she came to see me again. Next time it really is my turn girl! What a handsome fellow little Van is.