
Today I put Jonah in his “train conductor overalls” and for some reason he just looked so grown up to me in those overalls. He is moving so quick now, I just look away for a second and he’s halfway up the stairs or down the hall. Oh man…Nick we miss you and your extra pair of eyes and hands! But thank goodness for my family and all their extra help!

Jonah gets a black eye

Jonah has been getting a few battle wounds lately from all of his new tricks. Including his first “black eye” Doesn’t he look tough?

Every time Jonah sees someone drinking he expects them to share. He prefers to drink straight out of a cup…no sippy cups for him.

Checking it out

Jonah is very observant and likes to check everything out very thoroughly. Like this dresser that he is examining.

Jonah is constantly taking everything in. He loves to look around and wants to be sure he sees everything. Lately he has been very serious and kind of shy. He tries very hard not to laugh when anyone tickles him. And he smiles and turns away when strangers talk to him.

Bath time!

Jonah LOVES his baths! He likes to splash a lot and get Mommy soaking wet. He also likes to stand up and crawl around in the tub which as you can imagine gets very…slippery.

Hanging out with family

One of the up sides of living here in Idaho is that Jonah and I get to be with family. Maryland is a long ways away so we’re enjoying being close while we can!

Look Mom, no hands!

Jonah is 9 months old today! Which I guess means he has officially been out of the womb as long as he was in it…strange. Over the past month he has learned so many new things I can hardly count. His latest is standing without holding on to anything. His record time is 10 seconds.

video of Jonah climbing…

not sure why it’s so blurry…but here’s a video of the little man climbing the stairs.

P.S. To anyone who receives this in an email: just so you know this is actually my blog! I figured out how to send it to any email addresses I want automatically each time I post. So you don’t need to feel obligated to email me back each time. I have had several of you emailing me back every time I post, I do love hearing from everyone and if you want to, you can continue to email me back, I just don’t want anyone to feel like they HAVE to. Just thought I’d let you all know in case some of you didn’t realize. To see the actual blog go to

Here in Rota…

Well, one of the few upsides of being trapped here is Spain is that I got to go out and take some photos. This is going to be a long one…
My friend Mike and I caught a cab yesterday into town. After a few minutes of trying to explain what a beach was the cab driver finally got it. This is the beach in Rota, it’s absolutely gorgeous! There was hardly anyone around because it’s the off season and it was a little chilly. Nonetheless it was a beautiful scene.

After the beach we got some lunch from a little Cantina right near the water. Mike got mixed fried fish (as you can see it looks like they pulled the fish directly from the water into the deep fryer) and I had the Swordfish which was quite good. We ate outside and a cat we affectionately nicknamed Whiskers came begging for scraps. As you can see, Whiskers must have had a little accident. He is trying (unsuccessfully) to scratch his ear with his nonexistent leg while his nonexistent tail doesn’t go back and forth.

Anyway, after lunch we wandered around the city for awhile and I took some photos of the streets. They have these tile artworks all over the city that are really beautiful.

And lastly, I leave you with an image of a Spanish sunset.
Hopefully I’ll be leaving soon, but I have to say that my time here hasn’t been all bad!

Stairs beware

Jonah is on a roll with his milestones it seems! This morning while I was getting ready to go to work Jonah was standing at the base of the stairs (which has been his favorite activity lately other than pulling books off the shelf) and all of the sudden he put one knee up and climbed up one step. Then he proceeded to do it again. He stopped there and tried to find a way to get back down but couldn’t quite figure that one out.

Look out world…here he comes! I am sooo not ready.