I had the awesome opportunity of taking a GIRLS TRIP! We went to Nice, France where we ran the 10 miles du Carneval, Rock n Roll run Nice. (Note, this is the furthest I have ever run and I have been training for it for several months!)
From left to right in our finish line photo: Beth, Vanessa, Me, German girl that I ran with for the last few miles and then she hung out with me while I waited for my friends to finish, Shuntelle. And Renee is taking the photo. Beth lives in Creazzo with me and has been my running buddy for several months now. She introduced me to these lovely ladies and invited me to come run this race with them.

We came across a lovely food market upon arrival. All the food at these markets is so perfect it looks fake.

These strawberries were adorned by adorable tiny snails.

Marscapone treats in all shapes and colors. Not my favorite taste but the look lovely.

Because we were there during carneval we got to enjoy the festivities including an AMAZING parade with the most incredible floats I have ever seen. We watched it in the morning and then again at night. We caught different floats both times and the floats were even cooler lit up at night.

I love this little dragon made of greenery! He jumped and frolicked so cutely.

There were some crazies in the crowd that kept us entertained.

This guy was shooting silly string all over everyone with a leaf blower. So much fun! There was confetti everywhere. Everyone was throwing confetti. Seriously, this was the best parade EVER.

We think this was the “american” float. Sadly. A lot of the floats were political or satire.

There’s Renee! Front and center. She keeps things lively. Beth and Vanessa and I flew here while Renee and Shuntelle drove. It’s about a 4 hour drive.

After our run we decided to try a local specialty, la socca. It is a savory pancake like thing.

The view from the hill looking over the bay that we ran around. We also had to run up the hill at the end of the race. Which I was unaware of before hand. I was quite angry when I saw where the route was going especially because it was towards the end of the run, but I survived.

Before leaving we took the bus over to Monte Carlo. They were having a little Chinese market where this adorable little woman was cutting these incredible designs using these tiny scissors. She cut so fast. She used a template but I am still amazed she stayed on the lines with how fast she was cutting. She even let us try doing one…it was hard!
We popped our head into the casino. It’s pretty fancy! Someday when we all make it big we will come back and just hang out in there, haha.

These girls were so much fun to spend the weekend with! I need more girls weekends! Thanks ladies! And thank you Beth for inspiring me to run.
We had some fun drama trying to fly out. Beth and I had bought some WWII shells that were made into vases and we only had carry ons. They said we couldn’t bring them in a carry on. But not for the reason you would think (that they were shells and might have gun powder or something in there still) they said we couldn’t have them because we could hit someone with them. Which I thought was ridiculous and I told them so…you could hit someone with your purse for heavens sake. But Beth and Vanessa herded me over to the counter so that we could check a bag to put our vases in. They did not like me arguing about a bomb shell in an airport. Too funny.