My favorite cousin Seth and his wife Kiersty decided to take a vacation to DC. I love that I live near such a popular vacation spot…it’s makes living so far away from everyone a little easier cuz they all come to me! I tagged along with them on their drive to Getttysburg on Monday. Even though Nick and I just went there I wanted to go back and do the battlefield tour again to try to understand it better.
I love this picture of them because I had just said something about “pretend like you’re firing the cannon” and Seth made some smart remark that I didn’t hear but apparently it was pretty funny cuz they’re both cracking up. And that is why I love them…they never fail to make me laugh. I forgot how much I missed them!
Then on Thursday, we went out for seafood with them to a place in the Inner Harbor of Baltimore called “Phillips”. Kiersty and I split an order of crab cakes and I have to say, they were GOOD!