10 months old!

Jonah is officially into the double digits in months of age today. And to celebrate, we went to the doctor! Happily there were no shots involved, just measuring. So here are his latest stats:

Weight: 20.8 lbs (only a 1.4 lb gain since his November check-up!)
Weight percentile: 48% (he’s not a chub after all!)
Height: 30 in.
Height percentile: 90%
Based on these measurements I’d say he’s getting a good start on being just like his Daddy, long and lean!

Jonah traits as of lately include yelling when he wants what you have, opening cupboards and drawers, climbing up the stairs as fast as he can, poking mom’s eyes out and just basically trying to get into everything he can get his chubby little paws on.

Here is Jonah on his 10 month birthday:

he’s not actually sad in this picture, he just likes to stick out his bottom lip.

About to eat the camera…

My projects…

While Nick is away I have decided that I need to have lot’s of projects to keep me busy. So I have set some goals for myself of things that I want to accomplish. They are as follows:

1. Learn to quilt and complete a quilt
2. Master a new piece on the violin
3. Train for and run in the Couer D’Alene triathlon in July
4. Catch up on my scrapbooking
5. Learn some Spanish
6. Learn how to use Nick’s camera (I signed up for a class that starts next month!)
7. Read a book a month
8. Cook something new once a week

So far I have started working on all of these except the cooking…sorry Mom! I need to start helping cook more often around here!

Here is the beginning of my quilt: (it still needs a border, back and then the hard part, quilting it)

2 years on 2/22

Happy Anniversary to us! 2 years and counting. I love you so much Nicholas, no matter what! Maybe next year we’ll be together on our anniversary!

Two years ago today we got married under less than perfect conditions. It was not the wedding I had always dreamed of. But I have since realized that the wedding is not the important part, the marriage is. And while I do not profess to have a perfect marriage, I can tell you that it just keeps getting better and better. Nick, you are so good to me and for me. You are kind, loving, funny, gentle, a good father, handsome, intelligent and talented. You are my better half in so many ways. I am terrible at telling you how much I love you, but I do. I love you. Happy anniversary babe! And when you get back, we are gonna take that long awaited HONEYMOON!!! I can’t wait.

I’m afraid of mice!

Ok so I’ve always considered myself pretty tough when it comes to mice…I’m not a screamer. That doesn’t mean that I particularly like mice, I just don’t scream when I see one. And I have seen plenty. (Actually I even had a pet mouse when I was little…) SO my parents left me in charge of everything while they are gone, which includes cleaning out the mouse traps at the store. Well wouldn’t you know it, the first day they are gone there is not one but two mice caught at the store.

I went to find one of the traps and it wasn’t there. I looked around and several feet away, there it was, with a mouse’s butt in it. The mouse had ran away with it. Well I was sure it was dead so I reached down to grab it and take it outside. It’s little eyes suddenly opened and he started squirming. AAAAAAH! If there was ever a time to scream this was it…but I had customers in the store so I had to keep it together. (Usually people don’t come in right when we open but on this day three cars pulled up as I unlocked). I stood there shaking, trying to pull myself together and get this mouse out of there before anyone saw it….yuck. Finally I got up the courage and took him outside. But i couldn’t finish him off…I just couldn’t do it. I thought maybe he could live…but he died.

Unlike this mouse….

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Nick: Since you still haven’t given me your mailing address I guess you’ll have to see your Valentine’s here. At the store we have a bunch of Valentine’s from the 1930’s, these two were my favorite.

I love you honey bunny!!! Now go eat some chocolate and pretend it’s from me. Do you have chocolate over there? If I had your address you would!

p.s. THANK YOU for your wonderful surprise call this afternoon. It was very thoughtful of you to call the minute it was Valentine’s over there…that was so sweet.

I’m so sorry!

I am sad to announce that for the first time I missed one of Nick’s phone calls…Nick! I am so sorry! I was on the treadmill and Jonah was screaming his guts out trying to get my attention, and I had left my phone in my room. I’m so sorry I didn’t get to talk to you this morning. I love you.

As far as a “Nick update” he can’t tell me much so I don’t know much! I do know that he has sounded happier the last few times I’ve talked to him…he finally seems to be busy which helps.